WORKSHOP Chadi El hnoud 

Autoryzowany poziom 2 SYC

Warsztaty ugruntowujące praktykę.

Warsztaty będą tłumaczone na j. polski.


24 i 25 sierpnia 2024


Yoga Friends 
ul. Jarochowskiego 8 

Level 2 Ashtanga Yoga teacher

Workshops grounding practice.

The workshops will be translated in Polish.


August 24 and 25, 2024


Yoga Friends
street Jarochowskiego 8
Poznań Poland

Chadi El hnoud

Chadi El hnoud is a Level 2 Ashtanga Yoga teacher, authorized to teach the first and second series by GuruJi Sharath Jois. For several years, he has been practicing the method of Ashtanga Yoga directly perceiving the great benefits. The great passion for the practice and the continuous interest in studying the method lead him to go annually to the source, to Mysore in India, to practice under the guidance of his GuruJi Sharath Jois – the greatest exponent of the method in the world and current holder of the lineage of Ashtanga Yoga – from whom, after several study trips, he received the second level authorization to teach the traditional practice which gives him officially the possibility to teach the first and second series of the traditional method.

Over the years, on various occasions, during his studies at the SYC – Sharath Jois Center of Mysore, he has the great honor and pleasure of being personally chosen from GuruJi Sharath Jois as his assistant during the practices in Shala, an opportunity that allow him to assist many practitioners, from the most famous senior teachers to all the practitioners who travel to Mysore from all over the world, receiving great appreciation for his stable, safe, kind and effective assistance.

Under the guidance of GuruJi Sharath Jois, has undertaken the study and practice of advanced A (third series), the advanced series of the Ashtanga Yoga method.

In Mysore he also studies regularly chanting, Sanskrit and yoga philosophy with the school teacher scholar Lakshmisha Bath.

He is the founder of Ashtanga Yoga Mass in Tuscany where he teaches the traditional method and promotes the practice of Ashtanga Yoga which he believes to be a fundamental tool for personal growth and well-being.

Plan warsztatów

Warsztat będzie obejmował takie zagadania jak świadomość ciała, bezpieczne gięcia, filozofię jogi, pytania i odpowiedzi. 

Sobota 24.08

7:00-9:30 – mysore

przerwa na śniadanie 

10:00-14:00 – bezpieczne gięcia oraz filozofia jogi 

Niedziela 25.08 

7:00-9:30 – mysore 

przerwa na śniadanie 

11:00-14:00 – świadomość asan oraz pytania i odpowiedzi 

Workshop plan

The workshop will cover topics such as body awareness, safe bending, yoga philosophy, questions and answers.

Saturday 24/08

7:00-9:30 – mysore

breakfast break

10:00-14:00 – safe bending and yoga philosophy

Sunday 25/08

7:00-9:30 – mysore

breakfast break

11:00-14:00 – asana awareness and questions and answers


220 euro

Zaliczka bezzwrotna 500 zł
płatna do 1 kwietnia 2024

Płatność u mnie gotówką lub na nr konta: 

Daria Jankowska 

ilość miejsc ograniczona


220 euros

Non-refundable advance payment of PLN 500
payable by April 1, 2024

Payment in cash or to my account number:

Daria Jankowska

the number of places is limited

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    Warsztaty z Chadim / Workshops with Chadi

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